Official Website Of Our Six Dimensions
Our Six Dimensions by Dr. Stephanie Lawrence
This book identifies, tests, and explains the discovery of Our Six Dimensions.

"Pillars of Creation" image provided by ESA/Hubble.

Overview of Our Six Dimensions
Book Synopsis
Our Six Dimensions is written using an autobiographical conversation perspective. This book has two conversational threads:
The measurement of brick and mortar businesses as urban cultural icons plus discovery of the six dimensions. Measuring businesses as urban cultural icons opened the six dimensions for discovery. To be clear Einstein's three-dimensions (L x W x D) is a human-introduced method to measure Place which means Place is a dimension. There are six dimensions: Time, Transaction, Entity, Place, Constant, and Human. Each dimension has many methods of measurement. Hawking could not identify these six dimensions, so he supported Godel's 'Incompleteness Theorem.' Godel posed everything had to be measured before a Theory of Everything/ Unified Fields could be identified. Except these six dimensions provide structure for the Theory of Everything. These six dimensions are not Physics' Unified Fields, rather these are the unified fields of everything. These six dimensions were tested and identified using CU Denver Auraria Library's 93,000+ journals to pull peer reviewed, in English, with references papers research journal papers and the data set supports these dimensions. As a sub-group under the heading of Place, four cases (1.1%) from the same data set supports Einstein's research method which also means Einstein's method supports the null hypothesis of no relationship between his method and 347 cases.
I am updating the Second Edition to include examining Energy (which starts as intent [transaction]) as an Entity. This expands energy to include thought accessing collective consciousness via brains, as in creative thought, psychics/ remote viewers.

Getting to Know Dr. Stephanie Lawrence
Our Six Dimensions begins a little before Hurricane Katrina. At that point Dr. Lawrence was working on her PhD at University of New Orleans, in College of Urban and Public Affairs, PhD program. She and family evacuated Hurricane Katrina and lived in Tomball TX, returning home to pull drywall, carpeting and damaged flooring, plus pitch mold and mildew laden furniture to repair their house from Hurricane Katrina damage. Additional details about Dr. Lawrence are listed on "Additional Resources" page or click below on "Read More" to read about her.